utente #12851 - registrato il 17/06/2007
I started to play guitar at age of 13 with the help and teaching of my brother; my very first was a folk guitar, an Eko Ranger XII… Then I took more confidence with electric guitars, listening and studying the greats...Beatles, Zep, Stones, Hendrix, Who, JB. In the first 80’s, the first bands, the first concerts, and there’s a little guitar evolution, following the new guitar heroes, like Van Halen, Rhoads, Schenker; then I developed a taste in my usual listening, to me a good song must have 2 elements, a good chord progression, and a beautiful melody and arrangements. What I always try to do when I play guitar, is to feel like a singer who is studying and really “singing” the song…I think this is my approach in my style… In ’83 I founded the most famous italian hard rock band, Elektradrive; I released with them three albums in the eighties/nineties and played live at Roxy, L.A. in 1990. After many years, finally the new Elektradrive album is out in 2009, and gained so many good reviews, that I'm proud! Enjoy!
Città: Torino
Genere: Blues, Heavy metal, Pop, Rock, Funk.
Sono interessato a: Basso, Chitarra elettrica, Voce.
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